Classical Connections


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Section 1 – Name

The name of this organization is Classical Connections, also referred to as Connections.

Section 2 – Purpose

Connections is organized to provide home education families an opportunity to enrich their children's academic curriculum and social experience within the context of a Christian-based, co-operative organization. We want to “walk in the light, as He is in the light, to have fellowship with one another.” (1 John 1:7)

Section 3 – Location

The principle location of Connections shall be in Lake County, Florida.  The organization may have any number of spaces at such places as the Board may determine. 

Section 4 – Statement of Faith

  1. We are a community of Christ believers who practice our faith in various Christian denominations. This statement of faith expresses what unifies us and is intended to both protect and limit what aspects of our faith can be referenced in classes.
  2. We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible, divinely inspired Word of God, the supreme and final authority for all faith and life.
  3. We believe in one God, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  4. We believe in God the Father, creator of heaven and earth.
  5. We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He is fully God and fully man without sin. He suffered, was crucified, died for the forgiveness of our sins, and was buried. On the third day he rose again from the dead to bring us new life, resurrection, and the gift of eternal life.
  6. We believe in the Holy Spirit, guiding us into all truth and sealing us for the day of redemption.
  7. We believe the true Church is composed of all persons who through individual faith in Jesus Christ are united together in the body of Christ.
  8. We believe mankind is created in God’s image, both male and female.


Section 1 – Participation 

As the PARENT(S), I (we) recognize the value in committing my (our) time and talents to a dedicated community of homeschoolers. I (We) agree to the following:

  1. I (We) understand that a parent must remain on campus for the duration of the day.
  2. I (We) agree to attend classes that a parent is required to attend (and participate as stated in the handbook) unless I (we) are teaching during that block time. In the event I (we) am (are) teaching during a parent required class, I (we) will find a parent to sit with my (our) student in that particular class (i.e. English Language Arts & Writing).
  3. I (We) understand if a parent cannot remain on campus for the duration of the day then it is my (our) responsibility to find another parent who can be present in my (our) absence for my (our) child and to notify the lower and/or upper school coordinator. I (We) acknowledge this should be an occasional situation as to not become the standard.
  4. I (We) understand that I (we) am (are) fully responsible for my (our) child’s education and that participation in Connections’ programs will enhance that education.
  5. I (We) understand that I (we) need to be involved with some aspect of Connections. I (We) understand that the responsibility and success of Connections lies upon all members.
  6. I (We) understand if my (our) lower school student participates with the core academic portion of the day that I (we) and my (our) student needs to participate with the entire academic portion of the day. I (We) understand this keeps Connections optimal for all who participate and avoids making Connections less than ideal for others.
  7. I (We) understand if my (our) upper school student participates with the core academic portion of the day that I (we) and my (our) student needs to participate with the entire academic portion of the day or attend a study hall during any classes not needed. I (We) understand this keeps the co-op optimal for all who participate and avoids making the co-op less than ideal for others.
  8. I (We) understand that I [we] are responsible for purchasing the required materials for my [our] student(s). I [We} understand class materials will not be copied or distributed in any way that may infringe on copyright laws stated in any materials required.
  9. I (We) understand that all fees, including but not limited to, supply fees, class/lab fees, facility fees, insurance, etc. are due before the beginning of the first semester whether my (our) child finishes the program(s) selected or not.
  10. I (We) agree to an active role in keeping the property cared for and help with any necessary cleaning.
  11. I (We) agree that if there is a conflict with any member of my (our) family and anothers, I (we) will address the conflict by first going to the person the conflict is directly with. Additionally, I (we) agree to handle conflicts according to Matthew 18.
  12. I (We) understand Connections membership is open to Christian homeschooling families who agree with, and have signed Connections’ documents, bylaws, and with approval of the Board. I (We) understand space is limited and families are welcomed according to available space.
  13. I (We) understand families desiring Connections membership may be placed on a waiting list if the Connections has already reached its maximum size as determined by the Board each year. 
  14. I (We) agree to abide by all rules outlined in the Connections Handbook by signing the Handbook agreement.

Section 2 – Responsibilities

At least one parent per family must fulfill the responsibility of teaching a class, assisting in a class, or filling a volunteer slot as determined by the Board. 

A non-refundable deposit of $50 per family is required by March 1st to hold your spot in Connections. The deposit will be applied to the balance of any remaining fees due for the school year. 

All fees are due by July 20th or as otherwise determined by the Executive Board. Signing the registration form constitutes an agreement to pay the fees on time. 

All members are required to attend the annual parent meeting, which typically takes place before the first day of co-op.

Parents are fully responsible for their children while on church premises and should be present for each meeting to supervise their children as agreed upon.  

Parents are the primary teachers of their student(s).

Parents should ensure their student(s) complete(s) weekly class assignments to the best of their ability.

Parents are personally responsible for children under program age during class time. Childcare is not provided by Connections.

Section 3 – Co-op Meetings

Meetings shall be held August through May.  The dates shall be determined by the Executive Board of Directors, who will also set the time and place. 

Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board.

Notice of all meetings shall be provided to co-op members by e-mail and/or Connections’ communication platform at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting date.  

Section 4 – Termination 

Upholding the above responsibilities maintains my membership in the co-op. If a member does not abide by Connections’ bylaws, and the issue is not resolved in a reasonable amount of time, membership may be terminated by a vote of the Executive Board. The goal will always be to do what is best for the whole of the co-op with the hope and desire to work things out. 



Section 1 – Purpose

The general purpose of a tutor is to be the lead facilitator in a co-op class setting and to provide guidance and general teaching on the weekly lessons. Tutors' aim should be to create an atmosphere for learning, conversation, and hands-on opportunities. Tutors should avoid filling the entire class time with lectures.

Section 2 – Tutor Qualifications 

  • Able to commit to being present on meeting days with minimal absences. 
  • Able to prepare weekly lessons, keep up with curriculum pace, facilitate conversation, and have good time management.
  • A basic understanding or the ability to understand your desired course is a must. If the course material is new to you then you must be able to learn as you go. 

Section 3 – Class and Curriculum Responsibilities

  • Stay within parameters of the statement of faith.
  • Use the curriculum chosen for your course. 
  • Curate weekly assignments.
  • Scope and plan out the required costs for students to take your course. Parents should know the full year’s costs prior to committing to the course.
  • Communicate with parents and students with any necessary and helpful information throughout the year as it pertains to your course.
  • Be prepared for class prior to students' arrival.
  • Find an adequate substitute in the event you need to be absent. If your absence is not related to an unforeseen emergency, you need to prepare class lessons and materials for your substitute.
  • Clean up your space at the end of your class.

Section 4 – Financial Responsibilities

Tutor materials and resources are at the expense of Connections and will be covered by the supply fees collected from members at the beginning of each year. These materials and resources remain property of Connections.

Tutors may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses such as: copies, tutor writing instruments, and general supplies needed to adequately teach the course. Reimbursable expenses need to be submitted to the Vice Chair or Treasurer with a copy of the receipt. 

Tutor is responsible for any teaching aids that they personally purchase and are not included in the approved materials, labs, and aids outlined in the course description. 

Section 5 – Compensation

Tutors shall not receive any stated salaries for services. Nothing herein stated shall preclude any tutor from being reimbursed for actual and reasonable expenses incurred while fulfilling tutor duties. 



Section 1 – Governing

This co-op shall have the right to govern itself according to the standards of the New Testament scriptures, “...endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace...” Ephesians 4:3. The governing body of this organization shall be known as the Executive Board, and it shall have plenary powers to do all things necessary and proper to operate the organization.  The Executive Board is responsible for maintaining the overall policy and direction of the organization. The Executive Board shall delegate responsibility of day-to-day operations to the leadership team. Executive Board members shall receive no monetary compensation. Expenses of and for the co-op are reimbursable. 

Section 2 – Board Qualifications 

In order to be eligible for the Executive Board, a member must have the following qualifications: 

  • Homeschooled a child over age 5 for at least two years. 
  • Participated in Connections classes, fulfilled responsibilities of co-op membership, and able to commit to a term of two years. 
  • Passion for homeschooling and Connections’ success.
  • Serve in Connections as a tutor at some point during his/her board term.
  • Attends a minimum 75% of the 28 co-op meetings per school year and all parent meetings.  

Section 3 – Board Selection

The Executive Board members shall be chosen by Connections member nomination and anonymous vote.

Section 4 – Board Officers

The Executive Board shall consist of three officers: Chair (President), Vice Chair, and Secretary. An Alternate Board member will be installed in the event a replacement or additional officer is needed.

Section 5 – Terms 

The Executive Board shall serve for a 2-year term and members are eligible to serve consecutive 2-year terms.  Any Executive Board member is eligible to replace the Chair during his/her term given the need.  

A term will be during the operating months of the co-op, including one month prior and post school year.

Section 6 – Resignation, Removal, Vacancy 

Any member of the Executive Board may resign at any time by giving notice to the organization. 

Any member of the Executive Board may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the other Executive Board members, if in the board’s judgment the interests of Connections would best be served by the removal of the member. Removal from the Executive Board does not preclude continuing participation in the co-op. 

In the event of an Executive Board vacancy, an alternate Executive Board member shall fill the vacancy.  The Alternate will begin attending board meetings as soon as the board is informed of the departing officer, but the Alternate board member will not have a vote until the standing officer has left. The Alternate may submit his/her name during the following regular election and fill a complete term. 

Section 7 – Officers 

The Chair and Vice Chair generally oversee all aspects of the co-op; are responsible for communication with the co-op host facility (currently  Trinity Church) and with members; schedules, announces, and facilitates board meetings and general membership meetings; prepares agenda for board and general membership meetings; are available to mediate disputes and to recommend further action. The Chair and Vice Chair shall maintain custody of funds, prepare budget and financial statements, and maintain oversight of Connections budget and donations.

The Secretary shall assist in any business conducted at any general membership meetings; maintain those records; prepare minutes prior to subsequent meetings, be available to assist with administrative tasks as needed and keep copies of documents.  

The Alternate board member is not involved with or responsible for any of the Executive Board’s responsibilities unless an officer resigns or is terminated. The Alternate board member is solely installed as an as-needed member.

Section 8 – Executive Board Meetings 

The Executive Board shall meet at least one time per year at an agreed upon time and location.  Board members shall not miss this meeting.  

Section 9 – Compensation 

Members of the board shall not receive any stated salaries for services on the board. Nothing herein stated shall preclude any member from being reimbursed for actual and reasonable expenses incurred while fulfilling board duties, i.e. office supplies, lesson supplies, subscriptions, etc., as approved by a majority vote of the board. 



Section 1 – Amendment Proposal and Adoption 

Bylaw amendment proposals may be submitted in writing to the Executive Board by any active Connections member. Proposals will be considered by the Executive Board and adopted as proposed amendment(s) if approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote. Further, the approved proposed amendment(s) will be voted upon by the general membership at the next annual meeting. 

Section 2 – Minor Changes 

The Chair and Vice Chair together shall be authorized to revise these bylaws to correct punctuation, grammar, cross-references, article and section designations, and to make such other technical changes as may be necessary, where these changes shall be minor in detail and shall not alter the meaning or intent of the bylaws. Notice of changes made under this authority shall be communicated in writing to the general membership by the following school year in the handbook.  

Section 3 – Dissolution, Distribution of Assets 

A motion to dissolve Connections would be presented to the membership after a majority vote of the Executive Board. The motion will be presented at a general membership meeting and will require a 2/3 vote of those present to be enacted. 

Upon the dissolution of Connections, assets shall be distributed at the discretion of the Executive Board. 

Section 4 – Purpose

Said unincorporated organization is organized exclusively for religious and educational purposes. The unincorporated organization does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit, incidental or otherwise. 

Section 5 – Prohibitions

No part of the net earnings of Connections shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article Third hereof.  No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and Connections shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, Connections shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an unincorporated organization as agreed upon by the location host.



These bylaws of Classical Connections were adopted and ratified by a majority vote of the general membership on April 11, 2024.